January 1917
Monday, January 1
Showers. Finished packing. Mrs. Austen there with schedule. Could not get trunk, etc. taken away. Went to Plaza Hotel with Mabel. Saw Elle B. May’s slept. Went out to Beards and walked back. Dinner at Gerard’s with Mabel and ELB Tired and went to bed early. Cold in head.
Tuesday, January 2
Rainy. Went out to 2728 Union and finished up business with Mrs. A. Did some shopping. Had lunch at Emporium. Home on 12:40 from SF. Will and Mrs. Hathaway on train. Went to Henry’s.
Wednesday, January 3
Clear. Pent day putting things away and listing card for gifts. Will and Toku came on morning train. Sneezing, cold all day.
Thursday, January 4
Pleasant. Will came 9:20. Spent most of day writing “thanks” letters. Henry and Sarah here to see new moleskin coat.
Friday, January 5
Rainy. Henry brought quail. Zama and Baba with him going to Newark. Telephoned Dr. Aikin for medicine for cold. Matt planted freesia and other bulbs.
Saturday, January 6
Pleasant. Will came 9:20 and went back 1:30. Got box of truck ready to take to EHI. Went to Berryessa in auto 3pm, back by 5pm. Sent several thanks letters and wrote more in evening.
Sunday, January 7
Pleasant. Will, May and children here to quail dinner. Went over to see Sarah and children. Martenstiens there, and Velmas in new machine. Don Stands. Total eclipse of moon beginning at 10pm.
Monday, January 8
Pleasant. Frost am. Will came 9:00. Rosalind Cassidy came and Matt took Mrs. H_R to M______ to see about card club meeting. Went over to see Sarah and children. Don went home.
Tuesday, January 9
Sunny all day, Frost am. Will came 9:20. Letters to Mrs. Carrie, Miss Wilson and Miss Currie. ___ to ELB. Over to new house and aired it and to Henry’s twice.
Wednesday, January 10
Pleasant. Frost in am. Rosalind Cassidy went back to Mills. Will came. Wrote Miss Currie, EHB and Miss Wilton. Called on Browns pm.
Thursday, January 11
Cloudy all day. Will came. Went to Oakland. Left clock and sewing bird at Jacksons ____ ___. Bought books at Smiths, Dr. A treated throat and got bottle of whiskey. Lunch at L&Ps. Met Mr. and Mrs. Joy Potter, husband and sister. Bought $50 _____. Went to SF. Bought silver compote for M_B. Came home by _____.
Friday, January 12
Showery am, cloudy all day. Mrs. H. to SJ (with Matt to Milpitas). Matt brought EHI from Berryessa. Will came 2pm. Victrola came from Sherman & Clay. Books from Smith’s. Went with EHI to see Sarah and children. Made chocolate.
Saturday, January 13
Pleasant. Volmers came 2pm. S_____ event to Marsh. Will, May, Don. Lowell Hards came about 3pm. Matt drove Lon V., _____ and self over to Decoto to Mays, not home.
Sunday, January 14
Cloudy and cold. Home all day. Wrote to Y______ to have misspent parcel sent to Mrs. Dietz. Volmers went home.
Monday, January 15
Cold and clear. Mrs. Hathaway came from SJ. Will came 9:20. Sent ____ to ELB and letter to Mrs. Haley (Sand Diego) ELB, Clara Beard and check to SF Laundry ($1).
Tuesday, January 16
Pleasant. Black frost, am. LHB came on 9:20 Will came 2pm. Received bag from Linna Yarnell. Card Club met here, with Mrs. H as Hostess, 10 here.
Wednesday, January 17
Clear and cold. Will not here. Cold no better, throat same. Matt took EHI home. Mrs. H. went for the ride. Sent Ruby’s hand glass to her.
Thursday, January 18
Pleasant. Heavy frost and ice, am. Will came 9:20. Went to Oakland 9:40. Had rubber heels put on shoes. Got clock and sewing bird at Jackson’s. Had Dr. A in at throat. Bought ½ doz Rogers forks. Lunch at Pin ‘n Whistle. Home 2pm. Mrs. Brown and ____ at Sarah’s.
Friday, January 19
Cloudy, frost, am. Went over to Henry’s. Sarah and children came back with me. Will came up in machine. Wrote to Mary M., Rose B. and BCL.
Saturday, January 20
Pleasant and frost am. Marian Jasper here sewing. Fixed collars on dresses and made guimp. Went over to see children, all fine. Sarah cut May ___ hair. Will here, not well.
Pleasant, cloudy pm. Went over to see children. Finished “A Hilltop on the Marne”. Nelle went home and Mrs. Hathaway came on Milk train.
Pleasant. Mrs. H. went to O. on 8:40. Will came 9:20. Went to Sarah’s and S & children came over until noon. Nelle came 2pm. Went over to Jap. house. Men filling in more.
Pleasant, frost as usual. Will came 9:20. Went to SF on 9:40. Bought shoes, tablecloth, etc. Went over to Oakland and bought _____, etc. for ____. Met FHG and Kathleen at Centerville. Had throat treated. Home by way of _____.
Pleasant, frost am. Will came. Not well. Went to Oakland. Mrs. Yates and Mrs. Mowry on train. Saw Jackson Co. about sending furniture out and Lane about Lake Park house rent. Did shopping. Met MHP at Drs. office. Had throat treated. Came home via Niles. Buntings on train.
25 Pleasant, frost am. Will came 9:20. M___ Jasper here sewing. Made nightgowns. Paid her $4. Jepson truck brought furniture. Jim Halls stored it in Jap. house.
Pleasant. Finished up with Jasper sewing. Wrote to Bertha L. Will not here. Called on M___, Rogers, Eatons, Mayhew and Shinns. Met train at Niles and brought. Henry home.
27 Fog, am. Pleasant later. Will came 9:20. Went to Oakland and Henry to SF. Drew $25. Did some shopping. Went to see MHP after lunch. Met Belle on train and talked over ___case.
Cloudy. Went over to see children. May and Everett Brown came there. Henry here looking at plans. Finished “20 years in Hull House”. Wrote Mrs. Dietz, Olga and Ella Snow.
Cloudy. Will and LHR came on 9:30. Went to see children and to Jap. house. Sent mole stole to Jessie and __________. Card club at Mrs. Buntings. Mrs. H. 2nd judge.
Shower am. Will cam 9:20. Sewed all morning. Went to see children.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland on 8:40 from Newark. Mrs. H. ____. Left house plans on streetcar. Had Dr. A treat throat. 1:00 train for F. Lunch at Emporium with Mrs. H. Went to “Princess Pat” at the Cort. Stayed at Wills at Piedmont.
Pleasant, Frost. Miss Morgan came in auto and talked house plans while she looked at buildings. Went to Mrs. Glides new house. Got plans at ear office. Lunch at L&P. Went to SF and to see Mrs. Wattson at Crocker Home.
Pleasant. Frost. Went to Ebell. Saw Miss Miner and exchanged Ebell stock for check $31.25. Lunch at Leigardts, Had throat treated. Did some shopping. Called on Mrs. Brier. Met Nelle at Smiths and she went to train. Home via Niles and Centerville.
Pleasant, frost am. Sewed all morning. Will came 9:20 and Mr. Meass (?) to look over water question. Went over to Jap house and to Henry’s for violets.
Pleasant, frost. Went to Centerville to church, communion service. Wrote to Adiene (thanks for little nut baskets) to Mrs. Bird and to EHI.
Pleasant, frost am. Went to Oakland 8:40 from Newark. Saw Huxley about JKH. Had she polish. Went to SF 10:20. Shopped at White House. Went to Muggels. Oakland on 12:20 boat. Saw Huxley again. Lunch at Pig ‘n whistle. Dr. A treated throat and clipped off pieces of uvula. Met Nelle and bought yarn for bed jacket.
Pleasant. Did mending and took little Jap. Kimono to Tiny Baby. Worked on animals for “creeping pad”.
Pleasant, frost am. Will came. Sewing Society at Mrs. Yates (Mowry). Miss Duncan (?) danced. Mrs. Overacker and Mrs. Bunting there.
Foggy am. Pleasant later. Went to Oakland 9:40 train. Met Inez Harold on train. Saw Huxley about JKH matter. Had throat treated. _____ of Brandy. Lunch at T&P’s. Met FHG and went to movie, Mary Pickford in the “Pride of the Glen”. Met MHP and Billy on street. Home via Niles. Met Mrs. Hurd and Mrs. Plummer.
Foggy and cold. Will came 9:20. Mrs. H. went to Oakland. Drove to Berryessa and brought Elma down. Helen Crane came on milk train. Henry and Sarah came and played bridge.
Fog most of day. LHB came 9:20. All went to Henry’s for violets. Card Club met with Mrs. Overacker. Sarah and Elma won _____- Will came 2pm and went away, 4:20 to go to Truckee with Sierra Club.
Shower am, cloudy all day. Wrote letters and sent some valentines. Girls went to Henry’s to see children and get violets. Matt took them home pm. Ellen rode with him. Mrs. H came on milk train.
Pleasant. Wrote letters and sewed on creeping quilt. Cut out crepe nightgown. Henry here heart t heart about servants. Went to cemetery. Everything frostbitten.
Pleasant. Will came, just back from Truckee. Henry here to see house plans. Went to Oakland 9:40. Did some shopping. Lunch at Capwells. Took lace to Mrs. Burkes to be cleaned. Went to Ebell, Mabel ______. Potter spoke on Cairo. Throat treated at Dr. Aikin.
Foggy am, Pleasant later. Will came 9:20. Wrote letters, sewed and worked on house plans. Got things ready to go to Ben L. Mrs. Hathaway packed things to go away.
Pleasant. 9:30 train at Newark for Ben Lomond. EHI got on at SJ. Left purse on train. Returned to me at night. Nicholson took us to shack. Got lunch and dinner at house. Looked over place. 3 handed 500 in evening.
Cloudy am, rain pm. Cut dry ferns from bank and burned them and brought wood from other place. Did outlining on creeping blanket. 500 in evening. Made chocolate marshmallow candy.
Pleasant. Finished outlining creeping mat. Wrote letters and sent sample of candy to Olga. 500 at night.
Hail in night. Cold, showers all day. Wrote to Annie Bayata, Miss Currie and BCL.
Rainy, House fixed for leaving. Lunch at Dietz. 1:30pm train. EHI off at SJ. Will got in at Arden. Nelle at Oakland depot. Hotel Sutter room 303. Dinner at Pig ‘n whistle. J&D Theater “Glory of Yolanda” and “Each to His Kind”.
Rainy all day. Breakfast in room. Drew $50. Had glasses adjusted. Had shampoo. Dr. A “burned” throat. Sent $10 note to Miss Currie in afternoon and dinner at 109 Meca Av.
Rainy. Floods at Roberts and the McCormack places. Breakfast in room. Miss Morgan came and settled house plans. Bought creton for bags and wool batting. Came ho on 1:13 from Oakland. Sewing Society at Mrs. Yates. Will stayed over night in account of flood.
Cloudy most of day. Floods going down some. Went over to see children. Miss Morgan there. Took Sarah, Mrs. M. and children to see the flood and to Newark for mail. Will went on 4:00. Alone at night.
Cloudy and rain at night. Will came. Went to Oakland, am. Got lace at Mrs. Burke’s (cleaned). Left table scarf to be colored brown. Throat treated and a splinter cut off thumb. Movies pm. “Miss George Washington, etc. Nelle home with me. Flood going down.
Wind and rain all day. Will came am. Told of death of Donaldson Ensign. Cut out bag (like Linna Yarnells) and sewed on them all day. Nelle working on crochet bed shawl.
Showers and some sunshine. Home all day. Plans came from Miss Morgan. Henrys here looking them over. Nelle went away on milk train. Alone at night
Pleasant part of day. Will came. Went to see children. Did some mending. Mary and Flora Brown called. Alone at night.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland on 9:30. Mrs. Chris Anderson on train. Saw Huxley and signed income tax statement. Had throat treated. Did a little shopping. Went to lunch at Berthas. Girls all there.
Pleasant. Annie J here sewing. Sarah and children here. Will came 9:30. Went over to Jap. house with the Jaspers .
29 {empty}
Pleasant. Went to SF and to stay over night with LHB 1357. Saw Miss Morgan about finishing up house plans. Lunch at Castillian with LHB and Jessie. Got garden sets for children. Jessie started East on Sunset Limited.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland and had throat treated. Lunch at Pig “n Whistle. Went out to see MHP. LHB came home with me to stay over Sunday.
Cooler. Sewed some and wrote to EHI and Adiene (about nut baskets). Went to Newark for mail and children’s garden sets (not there) and to Irvington about auto _____.
Clear part of day. Wrote letters and put rooms in order. Henry, Sarah and children brought mail over.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland. LHB to SF. Had black turban trimmed, and throat treated. Miss Smith in Doctor’s office. Drew$25. Met May T. Had Suit fitted at Parsowiths. Went to SF and stayed with LHB. Dinner at a cafeteria.
6 Pleasant. Bought tickets for “Emme McCleeny” matinee. Went over to Oakland. Did some shopping and came home on 1pm from Oakland. Met Stella Standford Conners ____ T&P’s. Saw children with Marjorie’s presents (garden sets).
Pleasant. Annie J. came to sew. Sewing Society met at Mrs. Wrights. Planned annual meeting for the 21st. Met LHB at Niles 5:15 train. Mrs. Lewis rode with us.
Cloudy. Annie J. here sewing. Will came 9:20. Planted goldenrod at new ____ and got rose bushes from road _______________________.
9 Showers. Annie J. here sewing. Will came 9:20. Went back 1:30 from Niles. Wrote Mrs. Crane, BCL and church check to Mr. Wright.
Pleasant. 9:40 train. LHB and Toku to SF. Went to Oakland. Met Grace and Josie Curtner. Had suit fitted and throat treated. Lunch at Emporium. Went to Columbia with LHB and saw “Our Mrs. McCherney”.
Pleasant most of day. Shower about 5pm. Wrote Mrs. Brier, Mrs. Bird and Mrs. Yates. Spent afternoon at Fine Arts Bldg. and saw Mrs. Whitney’s sculpture, etc. Delicatessen dinner.
Pleasant. Had shampoo at Blocks. Bought shoes ($12) and gloves at White House. Shopping pm. LHB bought hat at Hales. Dinner at Gerard’s.
Rainy am. Went over to Oakland to Ebell luncheon with M_P, Mrs. Wright and FHG. Swiss woman, Mrs. __________spoke and English girl sang Irish Folk Song. FHG came home with me.
Pleasant. FHG making a ribbon bag!!! Went over to see Sarah and children and to see Mrs. Yates about concert and the annual meeting. Snow on Mountains.
Frost am, Pleasant day. Will came 2:20 train. LHB on 2pm. Curries called. Henry here looking at house plans. Went to Newark for mail and book of Parrish. ______
Pleasant. Wills came 9:20. Sewed some and wrote notes. After lunch all went to Ingalls. Cold coming back.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland. FHG went home. LH_ to SF. Had suit fitted at Parsowriths, and throat treated. Went to SF to Dr. Platt and Miss Morgan about house plans. Dinner at a cafeteria.
Pleasant. Wrote letters and began “Fate Knocks at the Door” by Comfort. Went to park with LHP to the Academy of Science. Animals and collection of baskets. Dinner at Pig “n whistle.
Pleasant. Lunch at Emporium. Did some shopping. L went to dentist. Saw “The Girl Philippa” at the Portola. Tea at apt.
Pleasant. Went to Oakland. Paid $50 for suit at Parsowiths and bought silk waist to wear with it. Had throat treated. Went out to see May and children. Met Lois Myers on streetcar. Came home with LHB. Matt at Niles.
Pleasant most of the day. Went with LHB to annual all day meeting of Aid Society. About 30 there. Killed the fatted pigs and found $40. Finished creton bag for Em.
Cold and clear. Went to Newark for suit, did not come. Will came 9:00. Miss Burnett, from Miss Morgen, came and took pictures and measurements of house.
Clear, cold. Will came. Took H_. to Newark ranch, brought with my suit from parsowiths. Had porch and windows washed and swept hall at Jap. house. Met Lois Myers at Niles. Henry and Sarah went to Alumni banquet.
Clear, cold. LHB went to SF. Will and Jack McClery came for the day. May and Potters came pm. Looked at Jap. house, and had tea. Sarah and children over.
Pleasant. Wrote letters, Ken, FHG, _____ and Jessie. HHPs brought quail. Lois picked big bunch of violets. 4;20 train. Lois to Oakland, I to SF, 1357 Clay St.
Hazy on bay. Finished ripped silk bag. Had teeth cleaned and small cavity filled. Dinner at a cafeteria. Tired and early to bed.
Warm. Wrote EHI and Carrie S. Went to Oakland. Had throat treated and a shampoo. Went to Ebell. Father Leo of St. Mary’s spoke on the Bible as literature. Home via Niles on Flier.
Foggy am, warm pm. Annie Jasper here sewing. Will gone to Amador Co to look at mine for Charley Haley.
Cloudy and shower about 3pm. Annie Jasper here sewing. Henry came and brought check for $1000. Sarah to SF for 2nd help. Patt__ Opera Cream came from Mrs. Shroder, Berkeley.
Pleasant. Annie J. sewing. Went to Henry’s and got covers for _____ chairs.
Cloudy. 9:40 train with LHB. Stopped at Oakland and deposited check. Went on to SF. Lunch at Emporium. Met L. and went to Cort Theater. Heard light opera “Katinka”. Dinner at Pig ‘n whistle.
Pleasant. Wrote letters am. Affiliated Colleges pm. Saw Indian baskets, etc. and heard lecture on Modes of Dress in the Past. Dinner at the Somerton. Met Mrs. Parnell.
Showery. Bought Philipino lace for collar. Went to Oakland. Did some shopping. Had throat treated. Called on Mrs. Huxley at Fabiola. Met LHB on train. Matt met us at Niles.
{can’t read}
{can’t read}
Pleasant. Will came. Mrs. Morgan at Sanks. Judge Ellsworth brought Bertha and children. Took Bertha back, pm, and left children here. Went over to Henry’s. LHB went to SF.
Pleasant. Will came in auto and brought Donald and Lowell Hardy. Went to Centerville for paper plates, Rideout.
Pleasant. Birthday party for Bertha, NHP, ______,___ Rudolph Jr., Ellie, Clara, Gertrude and Henry jr., HDP and ___girls here. Lunch on porch. ___children over. Mary Brown called. Alone at night.
Pleasant. Phelano at Henry’s. Went to SF on 9:40 train. Hawley at LHB’s for dinner. Took car ride out toward San Bruno. Read “A Siamese Cat” by Rideout.
Pleasant. Worked on bag for BCL. Wrote to Mrs. Brown and Mabel Yates. Went with L and bought hat for Clara. Saw Skinners Dress Suit, etc. at the Portola. Had dinner with ELB at the St. Germain.
Pleasant am, shower pm. Went to Oakland. Drew $50. Had throat treated. Lunch at T&P’s. Went out to see May and children. Met Lois M on car and MHP and Mrs. P at 12th St. Dinner with L at Sunset Care. Sent for World Book.
Rainy all day. Spent day at Louise Boyer’s, South SF, EHI there and MHP. Bought delicatessen truck for suppers.
Pleasant . Went downtown and bought bags for Ladies’ Aid and white linen hats for Sallie and Marjorie. Oyster lunch at Lincoln market. Saw “8000 Leagues under the Sea” (movie) at the Savoy.
13 March 22Shower am, cold wind. Picked flowers to take to cemetery. Sarah took us to Decoto in New Hudson car. Had to turn back on account of rain. Matt took us to Newark for mail and to Centerville. Called on Mrs. Yates. Sent creton bag to Louise.
14 Cool. Wills folks and Mr. Bird came up to dinner. Sarah brought the children over to see Jackie.
15 Frost am, cold all day. LHB went to SF on 7:30 train. Went to Henry’s, not up. Dressed Sallie. Will came made up rooms and did some mending. Tried to trim hats. Letters to Linna Y., Miss Embercon, Nelle. Sent Mrs. Hathaways things to Mrs. ____. Will went to Niles to train. Went with him and to Mays with ______.
16 Cool and cloudy. Will came 9:20. Did mending, LHB came 2pm. Called on Mrs. Emerson and Belle Hawley. Went to Newark_____________________.
17 Cloudy. Did mending all morning. Sewing Society at Mrs. Adams. Had Matt clean the ______________________.
18 Pleasant. Annie Jasper here sewing. Will came 9:20. Helped Annie all day. Henry here to talk about ______________________.
19 Pleasant. Annie Jasper sewing. Will went to Livermore ranch. 500 club_______________________________________.
20 {can’t read}
21 {can’t read}
22 {can’t read}
23 {No more entries.}
Clara Patterson Layson died May 29, 1917